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These are the vaccines defined as essential for the average dog.
Puppies: every 3-5 weeks between the age of 8 and 16 weeks, 3 vaccines total.
Booster: no later than 1 year after the puppy series, and then no more frequently than every 3 years thereafter.
Schedule is same for Distemper, above.
Notes: While good vaccines will induce the same duration of immunity as mentioned above for Distemper, you should be aware that the Parvo virus is continually mutating, just like human flu viruses. What this means is that the vaccines in use now may not successfully prevent parvo in the future.
Schedule is same for Distemper, above.
Notes: protective immunity in healthy dogs lasts for up to 7 years. Because the Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parvo viral vaccines are all recommended at the same interval, we choose to give them as a DHPP combination vaccine.
Single doses are given any time after 16 weeks of age and then again at a year old.
Your veterinarian should use a vaccine specifically labeled for 3 year duration for the later vaccines.
LEPTOSPIROSIS – Now considered a CORE vaccine by UC Davis.
This bacterial disease, shed in the urine of wildlife, cattle and sea lions, is on the rise in California. 10% of dogs with clinical signs compatible with leptospirosis (liver, kidney and gastrointestinal disease) tested positive for this disease in San Luis Obispo county and we diagnosed multiple cases of this disease in dogs in Cambria. Leptospirosis can often be fatal unfortunately. This disease is also zoonotic, which means it can be spread from pets to people and cause disease. Because of the abundance of wildlife in Cambria, we recommend this vaccine for all dogs with a few exceptions. Two shots after 12 weeks of age, separated by a month; then annually. If used, should use a 4-way or subunit bacterin containing the following serovars: canicola, icterohemorrhagieae, grippotyphosa, and pomona.
Should be used only as patient’s needs and risks dictate.
Oral– Single initial dose, then every six months. The advantage of this vaccine is that it takes effect within 24 hours, so you can use it for last minute boarding. It can occasionally cause the symptoms of kennel cough (sneezing, coughing, etc) for 3-10 days. Will help to minimize both symptoms and transmission.
No longer recommended. Ineffective.
Two shots separated by a month initially, then annually. Use is justified primarily if patient is exposed to large numbers of other dogs (show, etc).
No longer recommended in this area as we have low prevalence of Lyme disease and it has limited effectiveness and higher rate of reactions. Instead, keep up on regular tick prevention (Simparica or Bravecto).
Two shots after 16 weeks of age, separated by a month; then annually pre-exposure. This vaccine will help protect dogs against the venom of the Western Diamondback rattlesnake. Some cross-protectivity exists against the Eastern Diamondback. There is no evidence of cross-protection against the Mojave Rattlesnake. This vaccine will minimize but not eliminate the need for medical treatment in the case of snakebite.
Cambria Veterinary Clinic
1500 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428 | (805) 927-9700
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